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What Sort of Crimes Does Army CID Investigate

What sort of crimes does Army CID investigate? CID often is heard to say that they investigate felony level crimes, but that doesn’t necessarily answer the mail when it comes to the UCMJ. Often we have a harder time delineating between what constitutes a felony and what constitutes misdemeanor. In large part that’s because it’s … Read more

What Does Army CID Investigate

What does Army CID investigate? The general rule of thumb is that if it is considered to be a felony level offense under the UCMJ, CID is going to investigate. They also investigate all death investigations, where sometimes there’s not even a hint of a homicide or a wrongful death. In other words, when somebody … Read more

How Long Can CID Keep My Case Open

Unfortunately, one of the more common questions that we receive in our consults with potential clients and even answering questions for people who become our clients is how long can CID keep a case open. The unfortunate answer to that is as long as it takes. In some extreme examples, we’ve seen investigations last several … Read more

Pay Issues in Military Justice

Has DFAS Ever Paid Anyone Properly? Anyone who has ever received pay and allowances from the government either has personally known an error or has known a buddy who struggled with pay issues; sometimes overpayment and sometimes absence. Pay Issues and Legal Issues In 2016, the firm represented a client who had experienced issues in … Read more


Be Human (Guarding Against False Confessions) – For Military Justice

The culture alive and well among military law enforcement agents that use trickery, deceit, psychologically coercive techniques to achieve a “confession” or at least “admissions” cares little for the human sitting in the chair. It is a game, where the agents known for breaking the most suspects receive praise and acclaim. I find it repugnant. … Read more