Fee Information

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Every case has unique facts and circumstances, which impact its cost.

The firm bills at a flat fee based on the number of hours Ms. Stewart estimates she will spend on your case and her standard hourly rate. Ms. Stewart’s hourly rate varies based off the matter for which you are hiring her; courts-martial bill at a different hourly rate than administrative matters such as discharge upgrades.

For courts-martial representation, the number of hours anticipated vary based on a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • The Level of Court-Martial anticipated
  • The Complexity of the Charges
  • The Estimated Number of Witnesses
  • Any Scientific Evidence such as DNA
  • If Expert Consultants are Anticipated
  • If Any Expert Witnesses will be Cross-Examined

Understand that inevitably more hours will be expended than are initially anticipated. Ms. Stewart NEVER asks for additional funds. What is agreed upon happens in a written contract and it never goes up, even if your case garners media attention.

For courts-martial representation (even if you have not yet been formally charged by the command), clients initiate representation by providing a Retainer Fee, which is a set flat amount based off the type of case and after an initial free consultation. If / When you are formally charged by the command, Ms. Stewart will provide you with the cost for representation at the Article 32(b) hearing and the cost for representation at trial, if referral occurs.

Payment methods often vary according to the needs and limitations of the client. Often client family members or friends help with the cost of Ms. Stewart’s representation; even if others assist in payment, the client remains the service member and all duties of confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege are maintained. The firm is also equipped to handle payments or partial payments from debit and credit cards.

To schedule a consultation to review your case, click the “request a consultation” button below. Ms. Stewart or any member of her legal team will then reach out to coordinate a scheduling time.