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Alcohol and Consent in the UCMJ (part 2)

One. Why does the military put out this misinformation about alcohol and consent? And two, what does the law actually say about it? Well, first: it is a scare tactic. The goal is to discourage service members from even putting themselves in a sensitive situation. But this is a disservice because service members need to … Read more

Alcohol and Consent in the UCMJ (part 1)

Alcohol and consent. Did you know you can still drink and consent to intimate relations with another person? Any civilian watching this is like, “yeah, duh.” But if you’re in the military, that might be news to you. One of the biggest problems that I still have to this day as a trial attorney during … Read more

Obstructing Justice Under the UCMJ

One of the offenses that we’re often asked about is obstruction of justice under the UCMJ. The specific article is 131 Bravo. The elements of that offense are as follows, that the accused wrongfully committed a certain act that the accused did. So in the case of a certain person against whom the accused had … Read more

lawyer for article 15 njp

Do You Need a Lawyer to Fight an Article 15?

In the disciplined environment of the military, adhering to rules and regulations is paramount. However, when a service member is accused of a minor infraction or misconduct, they may face what is known as an Article 15, or non-judicial punishment. Non-Judicial Punishment | NJP in the Military The implications of receiving an Article 15 can … Read more

the best army sexual assault lawyer

Army Sexual Assault Lawyer

Sexual assault within the ranks of the military is a grave issue that demands specialized legal intervention. In such cases, the role of an Army sexual assault lawyer is critical—not only to defend the accused but also to navigate the complex interplay of military regulations and the broader justice system. These attorneys are not just … Read more

Double Jeopardy and The UCMJ

Imagine being tried for the same crime twice. Scary, right? But in the military, there’s a twist. Today we’re talking about double jeopardy and the UCMJ. Hi, I’m Cody Harnish, a military defense attorney representing only service members under the UCMJ. We’ve all heard of double jeopardy from TV. In the movies, you can’t be … Read more

10 Steps to Challenging a Referred OER Under Army Regulation 623-3 and Army Regulation 600-20

Navigating the process to challenge a Referred Officer Evaluation Report (OER) is a complex task that requires a clear understanding of the Army regulations and a methodical approach. Based on the guidelines set forth in Army Regulation 623-3 and Army Regulation 600-20, here are ten steps service members can take to contest a referred OER … Read more