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You’re Going To Be Okay

I don’t care if they take your stripes away. Your loved ones are going to love you as an E-5 just as much as when you were an E-6. A client of mine committed suicide this week and his grieving mother called to inform me that her son, my client is now dead.

Cleaning Up After Somebody Else’s Sh*t for Military Justice Part 2

It is no secret that taking over a client’s case after less than zealous counsel was in the driver’s seat early on in the case frustrates me. I imagine it irritates other hard working attorneys. In a previous post I covered the frustration that comes from cookie cutter legal advice. Trashed opportunity is the second … Read more

Cleaning Up After Somebody Else’s Sh*t for Military Justice Part 1

I am a mom. Of four amazing kiddos. Thus, I have been wiping other people’s butts since 2007. Thankfully, that ended a few years back (when my youngest became potty independent). At least in the literal sense. When I inherit a case from another attorney, whether it was the uniformed legal assistance attorney, a newly … Read more

After the Thrill is Gone for Military Justice

Can there be a thrill for the advocate after a “win?” Sure. But this post addresses after the thrill of that initial “win” is gone for the military client. After a client wins in a hearing or court-martial, receive a local file for his reprimand, or even his investigationconcludes that he didn’t do anything wrong, … Read more