Reconciling My Own Mortality for Military Justice

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Many people do not contemplate (at least not with any degree of seriousness) retiring in their 40s, but I would venture that many start to consider their own mortality at least as they start rounding the bases and head to 50.

Maybe it is about this idea of leaving behind one’s legacy. Perhaps it is about the notion that someday (hopefully sooner than later), I can quiet my mind to the cacophony of never ending case puzzles. Maybe it is neither. Maybe it is reconciling my own mortality.

The pandemic was good for that, right? Whether the numbers were exaggerated, there seems to have been a shift in mindset. People quit their jobs, relocated, started businesses, and retired.

In my never yielding desire to be both intentional and improving, I also am working to reconcile my own mortality.

I do not have a never-ending supply of days in the world. Where I spend them matters. To me.

This realization and my fervent desire to leave my industry better than I found it inspires me. In this blog and in my books.

I cannot take my knowledge, training, and experience with me. So, why not distill it to products that enable those who follow to carry on in my stead? I have sometimes referred to this as the “special sauce.”

I write fairly often about my goal of training myself out of a job. I remain steadfast that service members should not have to buy justice. Every uniformed advocate should have resources, time, and capacity to zealously advocate. In every case. For every client.

As I reconcile my mortality and balance it with my goals, I see a clear path: I will sprinkle into my life production of materials that I hope will help “grow the bench.” It’s the least I can do in service to those who defend our great nation.

I won’t retire today, or tomorrow, or even next year. But I know that it is on the horizon, and as long as I remain in this practice, I want to ensure that it will be better for the next phases of growth, however that looks. I will always remain a grateful, servant-warrior for military justice.


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