Work Tirelessly

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Since beginning work in military justice, people observing our work have questioned whether or not we sleep. Seriously.

Working tirelessly is a part of our core values. We outwork our competitors, though we do it in a smarter, more focused way. We have been doing it for long enough that we know how to work without spinning our wheels; our analysis is surgical, and we know where to put our energy.

We want to make sure we are drawing a distinction between working tirelessly and working to the point of exhaustion. A fundamental part of Jocelyn’s philosophy is to ensure that we take care of ourselves so we can be at our best for clients. Working tirelessly does not mean that we drive ourselves into the ground. We believe in a mind-body connection, and we know that our work drives our mindset, which in turn impacts our health.

Our drive to obtain justice for our clients is the motivating factor for our ability to work in a tireless way. The passion and focus drive our relentless pursuit on behalf of each and every client on each and every matter. We would not be able to work tirelessly if we did not care in the way that we do. We are connected to each client because our entire team has served. Veteran owned and veteran run translates to the veteran caring that underlies all of our effort.

Overall, no one on our team would ever be accused of being lazy or taking shortcuts. Our focus is a relentless and tireless pursuit for the best possible outcome for all of our clients.