PSA: Lawyer UP Buttercup

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Today’s public service announcement involves the need for you to lawyer up buttercup.

A lot of people think there is a command investigation going on but I haven’t been advised of my rights I must be okay. I must be good to give a statement. Guess what? It can still be used against you. Violation of your Article 31 rights is only going to effect judicial proceedings. That’s right everyone, judicial proceedings.

What is does not effect, if they violate your rights and ask you to make a statement, that they then can use against you, in violation of Article 31, is everything else.

Administration Separations.
All of the above.

Don’t believe me. All you Army folks out there go and find AR-15-6 paragraph 3-7 Delta subparagraph 8. It’s right there. They violate your rights and still use it against you. Lawyer Up Buttercup.

Jocelyn Stewart is a UCMJ court-martial attorney who specializes in defense of allegations of sexual assault for all branches of the military worldwide.

Contact the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart at 253-212-9582

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