How To Request Reconsideration on Findings from a Command Investigation

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When faced with the outcomes of a command investigation under Army Regulation 15-6, individuals may find themselves in disagreement with the findings or recommendations.

The regulation provides a structured approach for requesting reconsideration of these findings, ensuring that all service members have an avenue to seek fairness and accuracy in the investigation’s conclusions. This blog post outlines the step-by-step process to formally request a reconsideration, drawing directly from paragraphs 2-9 of Army Regulation 15-6. This will help you when you are responding to derogatory findings in that investigation.

Understand the Basis for Reconsideration

Before initiating a request for reconsideration, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the specific aspects of the investigation’s findings or recommendations with which you disagree. You’ll need to know how to read an AR 15-6 investigation. The request for reconsideration must be grounded in new evidence, errors in the investigation, or issues that were not adequately considered. Identifying the precise reasons for your disagreement will strengthen your request and provide a clear foundation for review.

Gather Supporting Documentation and Evidence

Once you have identified the basis for your reconsideration request, the next step is to compile all relevant supporting documentation and evidence. This may include new information that has come to light since the conclusion of the investigation or additional context that was not previously considered. It’s essential to organize this information clearly and concisely, highlighting how it supports your request for reconsideration.

Draft a Formal Request for Reconsideration

With your evidence and documentation prepared, the next step is to draft a formal request for reconsideration. This document should be professionally written, clearly stating your request and the reasons behind it. Begin with a brief introduction of yourself and the specific investigation findings you are challenging. Follow this with a detailed explanation of the basis for your request, supported by references to the evidence and documentation you have gathered. Conclude your request by summarizing your arguments and stating your desired outcome.

Submit the Request Through Proper Channels

Submitting your request through the proper channels is critical to ensuring it is reviewed by the appropriate authority. Army Regulation 15-6 outlines the specific process for submitting a request for reconsideration, which typically involves sending your written request to the appointing authority of the investigation. It’s advisable to confirm the current procedures with your unit’s legal advisor or chain of command to ensure compliance with any updates to the regulation or specific procedural requirements within your command.

Follow Up and Participate in the Review Process

After submitting your request for reconsideration, it’s important to actively follow up and participate in the review process. This may involve providing additional information, answering questions, or even attending meetings or hearings related to your request. Maintaining open communication with the reviewing authority and being available to clarify or expand upon your request will facilitate a thorough and fair review of your reconsideration request.


Requesting reconsideration of findings from a command investigation is a structured process that requires careful preparation and attention to detail. By understanding the basis for reconsideration, gathering supporting evidence, drafting a formal request, submitting it through the proper channels, and actively participating in the review process, service members can ensure their concerns are heard and considered. While the process may seem daunting, it is a critical mechanism for upholding fairness and accuracy within the military justice system.

When you are facing investigation and the aftermath where you need to request reconsideration of a command investigation’s findings, it’s crucial to protect your rights and interests throughout the process. Reaching out to a legal firm experienced in military law can provide you with the guidance and support needed to navigate this process effectively. Our firm is committed to ensuring that each service member has the opportunity to seek justice and fairness in their cases. If you’re considering requesting reconsideration or have questions about the process, we invite you to (#) today to learn how we can assist you in protecting your rights and achieving a fair outcome.

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