PSA: Military Check Your Supplement Ingredients

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Messy military lawyer. Today’s public service announcement involves the use of supplements by people in the DOD.

I’m here to tell you, even if your supplement looks standard, even if you buy it from GNC, even if you buy it from the BX, the base exchange, chances are it could have one or more ingredients that are banned. There’s an organization known as the OSS. They do education, outreach, and overreach for supplements. This is their website.

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Go to their website.

You can type in all of the listed ingredients from your supplements to see if any of them are banned. Understand that we’re not just talking about like doping, we’re not talking about steroids. We’re not talking about things that are clearly banned. We’re talking about things that you may not even know. I started plugging in some things that I had once used, and I was relieved that mine were okay.

I started plugging in ones that were from GNC. Guess what? There’s a bunch of the substances. This OSS organization is constantly keeping things up to date. Oh, by the way, this list of banned substances, if you end up ingesting one of these, the reason that they’re telling you not to is because they could interfere with your urinalysis. So you could get a wonky positive urinalysis for something that you didn’t even realize. If your defense ends up being oopsy, I was taking these lists of ingredients that are prohibited. Understand that, that makes it an article 92 violation. They may not get you for the one 12 alpha for the wrongful use of the drug, but if you’re using something that the DOD has said you can’t use now, you’ve given them evidence that you have violated Article 92. Check out the website. Plug in your list of supplements. Ingredients Be safe out there. Miltok. Messy military lawyer.

Jocelyn Stewart is a UCMJ court-martial attorney who specializes in defense of allegations of sexual assault for all branches of the military worldwide.

Contact the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart at 253-212-9582

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