Honed Skills

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The dedicated professionals at the Law Office of Jocelyn C Stewart have a set of honed skills that are virtually unmatched. Having each served ourselves, not only do we understand the climate and the required professionalism, but we also have refined after more than one hundred years of combined military service the skillset to ensure zealous, effective representation.

Honing requires time and attention. Honing means that we work in an intentional, methodical, and dedicated way to refine.

Skills means that what we bring are not merely scientific application of regurgitating rules we have read in a book. Skill requires the fundamentals but also artistry in how we execute our craft.

Combining years of experience as officers and non-commissioned professionals means that we have been a part of the culture and fabric of our nation’s military. We did not merely learn by osmosis. To hone our craft, we have been intentioned in obtaining knowledge, skills, and experience. There is a process, and as dedicated professionals none of our actions is purposeless.

Skills are obtained over time and from attention that we bring to each task. One skill is how we conduct our verbal dealings with commanders; we know that they care about risk mitigation. Another skill we hone is our written advocacy. Ms. Stewart’s published works on how to draft and litigate motions in military practice is proof positive of those skills; we all benefit from her ability to dissect her own process to share with those who practice military justice. Our skills in trial advocacy, whether in selecting panel members, lodging objections, examining witnesses, and cross-examining complainants, and in making closing arguments are superb and finely crafted.

These honed skills combined with our dedication to zealous and unapologetic advocacy form the foundation of our ability to achieve the best results for our clients.