Are You Getting NJP

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Are you in the military and getting NJP (nonjudicial punishment – article 15)

Now if you didn’t know that, don’t worry. Because your commanders probably didn’t know that either. But don’t just take my word for it. I’m just a prior enlisted, college educated, graduated degree having lawyer whose a former JAG, now a civilian criminal defense attorney who works only for military service members.

Look to AR-2710 it will tell you right there. Or better yet…why don’t you look at form DA-2627. The Article 15 paperwork. Block 2. The same block that you the commander signed. It says, “I will not impose any punishment unless I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the offenses.” It’s right here. That’s AR-2710. That’s what it says. That’s what you are signing your name under. That’s the law. That’s the standard. And if you the commander try to impose punishment on a soldier for not following standards, then you’d better be damn sure that you are also following those standards.

Defending service members is a passion for Cody, so he chose to leave the JAG corps and continue defense work in private practice as part of a team of excellence at Law Office of Jocelyn C Stewart, Corp.

Contact the Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart at 253-212-9582

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