
Access to Experience for More in Military Justice

A friend reminded me recently that even though not everyone can afford my full representation, there are plenty of people who still need and value my time.

I think a lot about time and spend a great deal of time writing about it. Time is the only currency that can never be replaced.

As I grow older, time has taken on a different meaning for me. I believe very strongly that I should be engaging in only those endeavors which provide meaning and fulfillment. I am also being more intentional about how I spend my “down time.” It was not so long ago that I did not even consider “down time” as a worthwhile endeavor. More on that for another day.

The toll that each case I take on is not one that I can or should ignore any longer. My own wellbeing is critical to the longevity of my practice and the longevity for my overall happiness.

I feel strongly that I am obligated to make sure that I am using my time and talents to help others. I have been drawn to this work for quite a while. Yet not everyone is able to afford full representation. And justice should not be for sale.

After much thought and consideration, I am announcing that I will come onto a case without being in front of the bar, a stark change in my prior policies.

For different rates based on the person’s specific scenario and for varying degrees of involvement, this serves a notice for consultation services to assist military counsel, to potentially draft motions and to coach the uniformed counsel how to litigate those motions, and even to provide case strategy and “murder boarding” of trials. This also enables me to stand by my current boundary not to travel for cases and to assist across the nation and even the globe.

To schedule a time to discuss how I can best help in a case, please check my calendar here.

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